RDG100LL College Reading Support

What is RDG100LL?

RDG100LL is a one-credit course that provides students with structured reading assistance. The course supports student completion and comprehension of college reading assignments through literacy lab activities and lessons. During lab sessions, students work independently and with faculty, peers, and content-specific tutors. Students reflect on current reading behaviors and apply new skills learned in the course to become more effective and efficient readers. This course is designed for students needing to improve their reading, students retaking courses, students challenged by the content in a specific discipline, and students wanting to improve what they get out of their academic reading.

RDG100LL students must be concurrently enrolled in a college-level course with assigned readings. Required general education courses with textbooks are excellent courses to pair with RDG100LL. Examples of courses to take concurrently include: PSY101, PSY132, SOC101, HIS103, HIS104, HIS108, HIS110, HIS11, COM110, COM207, AJS101, AJS219, TCM100, DAH255, ASB214, INT105, WAC101, ACC111, ENG101, MHL204, REL100, HIS105, BIO100, BIO108, BIO145, BIO160, EXS101, FON241, FOR105, GBS151, MAT141, MAT145.

To learn more about RDG100LL from one of the faculty teaching the course, watch this 4-minute video.

Welcome to RDG100LL